It's Never Too Late to Become Active!

Starting Your Fitness Journey

To be fit, you don't have to exercise intensely for a long time. Experts agree that physical activity does not necessarily have to be vigorous. They recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate and continuous physical activity daily, or on most days of the week.

Here's some expert advice that can help you achieve and maintain physical, heart, and lung fitness!

Participate in at least 2 types of physical activity every week. This will ensure aerobic health and muscle strengthening, which is extremely important.

Muscle strengthening activities should include the major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, chest, arms, shoulders, and abdomen.)

Examples of muscle strengthening activities include:

  • Lifting weights
  • Using resistance bands
  • Practicing yoga
  • Doing pilates exercises

Before you start an exercise program, we recommend that you talk to your COPC primary care physician first.

  • This is especially important if any of the following apply to you:
    • Diabetes
    • Chest pain
    • Neck pain
    • Arm pain
    • Shortness of breath
    • A diagnosed heart condition
    • Bone and joint problems
    • Currently taking heart of blood pressure medications
    • Have not been physically active before
    • Dizziness
    • Obesity

When you have selected a workout plan, stick to it! You'll be more motivated to keep your workout plan as a perminent part of your lifestyle if you are having fun, staying organized, and are fully engaged.

  • Here are some creative ways that can help you maintain and improve your fitness plan.
    • Write down activity goals. Start with something small that you can reach and be specific. For example, decide to do 30 minutes of activity 4 days a week for 4 weeks.
    • Create an activity calendar. Plug in your fitness activities for each week and post it in a spot where you'll be more likely to see it and be reminded about your plan.
    • Set challenges for yourself. Examples include striving to climb more stairs, walk 1,000 more steps, or work out once more this week.
    • Track your progress. Mark down your achievements and fitness milestones on your activity calendar to celebrate your successes.
    • Make it social! Invite your friends, family, or neighbors to join you for your workouts to make it more enjoyable.
    • Reschedule, don't cancel. If something comes up and you have to miss activity time, plug the activity into a new time slot to avoid falling out of your exercise routine.

Be sure to watch out for problematic side effects during physical activity!

  • If you experience any of the following, contact your primary care physician right away.
    • Chest pain
    • Neck pain
    • Arm pain
    • Dizziness
    • Joint or bone problems

For more information and ideas, check out our article that will show you ways to encorporate exercise throughout your daily life. Because we recognize that it's not always easy to find extra time, we have a few tips to help you get fit and accomplish your daily tasks at the same time.

Get Fit the Old Fashioned Way