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Africa Road Diabetes Management
All Ages Family Medicine
Amy R. Kelley, M.D.
Arlington-Mill Run Internal Medicine
Associated Pediatrics
Bethel Reed Park Diabetes Management
Building Blocks Pediatrics
Canyon Medical Center
Capital City Medical Associates
Central Ohio Infusion Services
Central Ohio Medicine
Cherry Westgate Family Practice
Columbus Endocrinology
Columbus Endocrinology Gahanna
Columbus Endocrinology Powell
Columbus Infectious Disease Specialists
Columbus Internal Medicine
Comprehensive Care
Cooper Road Family Practice
COPC at Friendship Village of Dublin
COPC Care Forward Center
COPC Connect 4 Care
COPC Corporate Services
COPC Five Points Physicians
COPC Hospitalists
COPC Hospitalists - Inpatient Support Center (ISC)
COPC Internal Medicine Group
COPC Marysville
COPC Physicians of Southern Ohio
COPC Polaris
COPC Rheumatology
COPC Sports, Spine & Joint | North Columbus
COPC Sports, Spine & Joint | Reynoldsburg
COPC Sports, Spine & Joint | West Columbus
COPC Sports, Spine & Joint | Westerville
COPC True Vine Family Medicine
COPC Westerville
Dr. Ron Vargo Family Practice
Dublin Internal Medicine
Eastglen Pediatrics
Eastside Lab Draw Station
Eastside Pediatric Support Center
Eastside Physical Therapy
Eastside Radiology
Endocrinology Specialists
Endocrinology Specialists East
Fairway Family Physicians
Faith Family Health
Family Medicine & Pediatrics at Winchester Square
Family Medicine North
Family Physicians of Gahanna
Family Practice Center of Westerville
Granville Pike Family Physicians
Hilliard Family Medicine
Innovative Diabetes Management
Jasonway Internal Medicine
Kenneth Baker, MD - Cardiologist
Keystone Primary Care
Knightsbridge Internal Medicine
Linscott Family Practice
Main Street Primary Care
Marysville Primary Care
Mid-Ohio Pediatrics and Adolescents
Milestone Pediatrics
Mill Valley Pediatrics
New Albany Pediatrics
Northside Medical Associates
Northwest Family Physicians
Northwest Internal Medicine
Northwest Physical Therapy
Ohio Center for Pediatrics
Ohio Dominican University Peace Hall Diabetes Management
Olentangy Cardiac Testing
Olentangy Lab Draw Station
Olentangy Pediatric Support Center
Olentangy Radiology
Orthopedic Urgent Care | Reynoldsburg
Orthopedic Urgent Care | Westerville
Pediatric and Adolescent Practitioners
Polaris Parkway Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
Polaris Physical Therapy
Powell Pediatric Care
Powell Primary Care Associates
Professional Pediatrics of Hilliard
Provider Physicians North
Reynoldsburg Family Medicine
River's Edge Pediatrics Dublin
River's Edge Pediatrics Westerville
Riverside Medical Group
Riverside Pediatric Associates
SameDay Center East
SameDay Center Olentangy
SameDay Center Westerville
Scioto Family Physicians
Small World Pediatrics
Stella Primary Care
Step By Step Pediatrics
Stonegate Family Health
Suburban Internal Medicine
Total Health Center
Tri-County Family Physicians
Upper Arlington Preventative Primary Care
Westerville Cardiac Testing
Westerville Family Physicians
Westerville Internal Medicine
Westerville Lab Draw Station
Westerville Medical Arts
Westerville Medical Associates
Westerville Pediatric Support Center
Westerville Physical Therapy
Westerville Radiology
Worthington Family Physicians
Worthington Internal Medicine
Worthington Pediatrics
Learn details about our providers.
Boardman, PA, Ethan
Abad, MD, John Philamer
Abu Obaid, MD, Sabreen
Adams, PA-C, Angela
Admane, MD, Vaishali
Aldoori, DO, Ayat
Alford, DNP, FNP-C, Grace
Allagree, CNP, Jodi
Almasanu, DO, Benjamin
Althausen, MD, Lacey
Amata, MD, Nick
Amborski, CNP, Rebekah
Ameh, MD, Onma
Amiri, MD, Rannie
Anderson, DO, Nicholas
Anderson, MD, Timothy
Anderson, MD, FACE, Samuel
Anderson, MD, MPH, Bernadette
Aronovic, MD, Stephannie
Arvai, MSN, BSN, FNP-C, Michelle
Ashcraft, MD, Cregg
Ataman, MD, Nardia
Aurand, DO, William
Bachman, MD, Jennifer
Badawi, MD, Omar
Bailey, MS, APRN-CNP, Jacob
Baker, MD, FACC, Kenneth
Bakker, MD, Richard
Ballenger, MD, FAAP, Taylor
Bar Lev, MD, Lauren
Barnett, DO, Maria
Barson, DO, Brent
Barson, MD, Ryan
Bartsch, MD, Courtney
Barua, MD, Pierre
Bathini, MD, Sydulu
Bathini, MD, Shilpa
Battles, MD, Heather
Beam Jr., MD, Wayne
Beck, FNP-C, Haylie
Beckett, DO, Natalie
Beckstead, MD, David
Beemiller, MD, Kaitlin
Bellala, MD, Ravi
Benjamin, MD, Mariam
Bhatia, MD, Adi
Biederman, CNP, Joseph
Billington, DO, Elizabeth
Billington, MD, Nathan
Biswas, MD, Anirban
Bixler, CNP, Steven
Bjelovuk, CNP, Zorica
Black, MD, Cynthia
Blair, MD, Charmaine
Blazer, MD, Kimberly
Blumberg, MD, Lara
Bobula, MD, Steven
Bodnar, DO, Natalie
Boezi, DO, Monique
Bonier, DO, Rachel
Bonino, PA-C, Maria
Born, MD, David
Bowser, DO, Laura
Boyd, MD, Stephen
Brackin, DO, Julianne
Brennan, PA, Shannaon
Briones, MD, Jennifer
Buchsieb, DO, Christopher
Buechel, DO, Adam
Buendia, MD, Michelle
Burkart, CNP, Stephanie
Bush, MD, Jennifer
Butz, MD, Laura
Cafarelli, MD, Jason
Caffaratti, MD, Angela
Callahan, MD, Kara
Calland, DO, Ann
Campbell, MD, Jennifer
Campbell, PA-C, Zahara
Cappuzzello, DO, Jason
Carlson, DO, CLC, Katelyn
Casden, DO, Carrie
Casey, MD, Anthony
Chalmers, MD, Julie
Chatterjee, MD, Shampa
Cheng, DO, Stephanie
Chidester, MD, Kara
Chirravuri, MD, Venkatesh
Clemmer, DO, Danielle
Cole, MD, Benjamin
Cole, MD, Parker
Colella, DO, Julie
Conklin, DO, Kelly
Coss, DO, Timothy
Costlow, MD, Kathleen
Couling, MD, Sidney
Cowan, MD, Thomas
Coyle, MD, Christen
Crawford, MS, APRN, FNP-C, Yolanda
Cronin, PA-C , CeCe
Dairo, MD, FAAP, MRCP, Omolara
Dankovich, MD, Laura
Daufeldt, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, Cara
Davakis, MD, Stephen
Davis, MD, FAAFP, Jennifer
Dcruz, MD, Teena
De Jong, MD, Gracia
Deam, DO, Kaleb
DeFiore, APRN, CNP, Tricia
Dellinger, MD, Mark
Derby, DO, Matthew
Desai, MD, Dev
DeShetler, MD, Donald
DeVoe, MD, Traci
Devor, DO, Kristin
DeVore, CNP, Alicia
DeWitt, CNP, Katie
Dhawale, MD, Praveena
Dhawale, MD, Ravi
DiBartola, MD, FAAP, Michael
Dillon, DO, Rosalie
DiPietra, MD, John
Doherty, DO, Kent
Dorado, MD, James
Dunnan, MD, James
Dusseau, DO, Steven
Dusseau, MD, Joseph
Eastman, MD, Nicholas
Eby, MD, Meika
Ecker, MD, Kenneth
Edwards, MD, MSC, FACP, Sheldon
Efaw, MD, Brad
Ellinger, Matthew
El-Rif, MD, Miriam
Emerick, MD, Jane
Emmons, FNP-C, Alison
Failor, DO, Joanna
Fant, MD, Amanda
Faust, DO, Maureen
Fedorchak, MD, FACP, Arlene
Fernandes, MD, FAAFP, Shruti
Fister, DO, FAAP, Nathan
Flaherty, DO, Jean
Flaute, CNP, Laura
Flynn, PA-C, Katie
Folk, CNP, Anna
Fornadel, MD, Brian
Forrest, CNP, Marissa
Fosselman, MD, Douglas
Fosselman, MD, David
Franks, MD, Michael
Franz, MD, Robin
Frisch, PA, Erica
Fuller, MD, Brad
Fulop, MD, Kathleen
Gable, DO, Lacey
Gaglani, MD, Raju
Gallagher, MD, Mae
Gallagher, MD, Michael
Gallagher, MD, FAAP, Sean
Gano, DO, Emma
Garcellano, DO, Miriam
Garuba, MSN, CNP, Omoleagho
Gathof, MD, Kathryn
Geary, PA-C, CDES, Caitlin
Geer, MD, Roderick
George, MD, Christopher
Giannetto, MD, Francine
Gilbert, MD, Monica
Gilbert, MD, Paul
Glasstetter, CNP, Hannah
Golla, MD, FAAP, Michelle
Gordon, MD, Amanda
Gossard, MD, Laurie
Goyal, MD, Mili
Graef, DO, Andrew
Graham, MD, Michelle
Graham, MD, Kevin
Grainger, CNP, Colleen
Grandinetti, MD, Paul
Gray, MD, Emily
Greene, CNP, Kimberly
Gronbach, MD, Kort
Grulkowski, MD, Mary
Guadiz, DO, Anna
Habteselassie, FNP, Hillina
Hagen, DO, Mark
Hahn, DO, Scott
Haidar, MD, Wael
Hall, AGAC-NP, Whitney
Hall, MD, Amira
Hameed, DO, Sohaib
Hamilton, MD, William
Hanson, MD, Kristopher
Hard, MD, Eric
Harmeyer, DO, Brian
Harp, CNP, Katie
Harris, DO, Jameelah
Harrold, MD, Melissa
Harvison, FNP, Chelsea
Hasnat, MD, Shahed
Hayek, DO, Galen
He, DO, Paul
Heinlen, MD, Leah
Hennessy, MD, Blase
Hennessy, MD, Diana
Herman, MSN, CNP, Emily
Hevezi, MD, Louis
Hickman, MD, Mark
Hicks, CNP, Kimberly
Hicks, CNP, Laura
Hoenig, DO, Jordan
Hoffman, MD, Leslie
Hofmeister, MD FACP , Marietta
Holtzapfel, MD, Seth
Honda, MD, Nicholas
Hoover, MD, James
Hopple, MD, Melissa
Horn, MD, Lisa
Hourmouzis, MD, Nina
Hower, MD, Olivia
Huang, MD, Jonathan
Hughes, CNP, Erin
Hughes, MD, Jeannie
Huh, MD, Johnny
Hundley, MD, Julie
Hunter, MD, Jessica
Huston, MD, Robinette
Itty, DO, Julie
Jacob, MD, Elizabeth
Jamil, DO, Saif
Jepson, MD, Christina
Jipa, MD, Mihai
Johns, MD, Lisa
Johnson, DO, Olamide
Johnson, DO, Kassie
Johnson, MD, Susanna
Jones, MD, Joshua
Jones, MD, Cheyenne
Kahle, DO, Mark
Kander, MD, Melissa
Kavuluri, MD, Leena
Kellar, CNP, Cynthia
Keller, MD, Andrew
Keller, MD, Kyle
Kelley, MD, Amy
Kerns, CNP, Christa
Kesari, DO, Anuradha
Kesari, MD, Srikanth
Kesari, MD, Caitlin
Khozina, MD, Malvina
Kim, DO, Eugenia
Kim, MD, Peter
Kimble, DO, Chelsey
King, MD, Gideon
King, MS, APRN, CNP, FNP-BC, Debra
Kirkby, MD, Cheryl
Kirkland, MD, Elizabeth
Kirkland, MD, Adam
Kitchin, MD, Trevor
Kloda, MD, Piotr
Knapke, MD, Matthew
Knight, MD, MPH, Neil
Knobeloch, MD, William
Knox, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP, Jordan
Kollman, CNP, Cheryl
Korcal, MD, Andrew
Kosiorowska-Sterkowicz, MD, Beata
Kravitz, PA-C, Mary
Kroustos, MD, Constantine
Krucki, PA-C, Kayce
Krueger, MD, Justin
Krumm, MD, Lisa
Ksiazk, PA-C, CDCES, Devon
Kuhlman, DO, Robert
Kumar, MD, Neha
Kumar, MD, Shashi
Kumbar, MD, FAAP, Vijay
Kunz Jr., MD, Jerry
Kunz, MD, Bradley
Kwarko, MD, Trisha
Kwong, DO, Helen
Lahoti, MD, Pooja
Landry, MD, Kristen
Langan, MD, FACP, Michael
Lange, MD, Tishana
Leach, MD, Christina
Leahy, CNP, Helen
Lee, MD, Yun Hui
Lee, MD, Margaret
Lerakis, MD, Jimmy
Lewis, PA-C, Emily
Likki, MD, Shravan
Linscott, DO, Joseph
Lipshultz, MD, Hannah
Lisko, MD, Bradley
Little, MD, Elizabeth
Liu, MD, Jacob
Long, MD, Kelly
Loper, Kareen
Lopez, MD, Sheree
Maher, MD, Laura
Mahoney, MD, FAAP, Michele
Mailloux, MD, Jason
Makadia, MD, Neil
Malik, MD, Sarah
Mandiga, DO, Pallavi
Manly, CNP, Jessica
Mantor, MD, Gina
Marangoni, PA-C MPAS, Jennifer
Marcantoni-Nevers, MD, DABOM, Veronica
Maresco, APRN, FNP-C, Meredith
Marshall, DO, Jeffrey
Martin, MD, Jay
Maurer, MD, Trevor
McAllister, MD, Mary
McAninch, DO, Kevin
McCarthy, CNP, Sara
McClellan, Derek
McDowell, FNP-C., Mikaelyn
McFadden, DO, Bradley
McFadden, DO, Jonathan
McGowan, MD, CAQSM, Jacqueline
McGuffin, PA-C , Amanda
McInerney, MD, Yasmin
McMullen, MD, Timothy
McVicker, PA-C , Timothy
Meacham, DO, Benjamin
Meek, MD, Austin
Mehl, CNP, Cory
Mehta, MD, Meera
Meis, DO, Sophia
Melaragno, MD, Daniel
Menges, MD, Catherine
Mewhort, MD, Lisa
Miele, MD, Anthony
Mielke, CNP, Breenne
Miller, MD, Cameron
Miller, MD, Michael
Mills, DO, Stephen
Milton, MD, CLC, Alana
Mogalla, MD, Yash
Morgan, PA-C, Mary
Morris, DO, Scott
Morris, MD, Michelle
Morton, MD, Kimberly
Mott-Young, MD, Adrienne
Mowry-Fisk, MD, Jennifer
Muresan, MD, Mark
Murphy, DO, Cathleen
Muthuri, MD, Leah
Nash, DO, Laura
Nash, MD, Jessica
Natalie, MD, James
Naylor, MD, RJ
Nduaguba, DO, Patrick
Nelson, PA-C, Brett
Nelson-Schmidt, MD, McKenzie
Nichols, CNP, Stephanie
Niland, MD, Mary-Lynn
Novak, MD, Svetlana
Oaks, DO, Kristin
O'Connell, PA-C, Danielle
O'Malley, MD, Bella
Omikunle, MD, Adebomi
Osthaus, MD, Laura
Ovenseri, DO, MS, Kennedy
Overbey, MD, Jennifer
Paes, DO, John
Paguirigan, PA-C, Andrea
Paladugu, MD, Samatha
Palmer, MD, Arthur
Pandya, MD, Aradhi
Pandya, MD, Neil
Pappa, DO, Rachael
Pappa, MD, Claire
Parikh, MD, IBCLC, Divya
Parker, MD, Audra
Parsley, DO, Donna
Pastoral, MD, Mary
Patel, DO, Jaymin
Patel, MD, Monika
Patel, MD, Bhairavi
Patel, MD, Bharat
Patel, MD, Rupen
Pedrick, MD, Jason
Pennywitt, MD, Jacqueline
Pham, MD, Nhung
Phan, MD, Trung
Phillips-Chou, MD, Laura
Phipps, MD, Brian
Pietropaolo, MD, Domenico
Polas, DO, Phyllis
Pool, MD, Joseph
Prabhu, MD, Christina
Prabhu, MD, Yogeesh
Pratt, CNP, Megan
Prenger, MD, Scott
Pugh, MD, M. Bonnie
Pulver, MD, Francine
Pumpelly, ARNP, Miriam
Qazi, MD, Asif
Que, MD, Jamie
Rainier, CNP, Cassi
Ramos, MD, Caroline
Rangi, MD, Baljit
Rangi, MD, Inderpreet
Reeg, PA-C, Seanna
Reese, MD, Cynthia
Reineck, DO, Scott
Reprakash, PA-C, Sujithra
Rerko, DO, Lindsay
Rhinehart, MD, Andrew
Richard, Neil
Rowland, MD, Timothy
Rush, CNP, Corinna
Rush, MD, Adam
Ryan, MD, John
Sabo, CNP, Julie
Sahai, MD, Purbi
Saridakis, MD, Paul
Sauls, MD, PhD, Bryan
Savage, MD, Timothy
Schaffner, MD, FAAP, Erin
Schartz, CNP, Becky
Schellhase, MD, Jill
Schilb, DO, Mikael
Schirmer, MD, Jack
Schmelzer, APRN, FNP-C, Jessica
Schmidt, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, Tia
Schmiesing, DO, Kristine
Schnackel, MD, William
Schneider, MD, Christopher
Schott, CNP, Chloe
Schroer, CNP, Daniel
Schultz, MD, Randolph
Schumacher, MD, Douglas
Schwaderer, DO, Renee
Scudder, DO, Stacy
Seifert, MD, Kelly
Sen, MD, Anindya
Serve, DO, Marc
Shapiro, PA-C, Ali
Sharkis, MD, David
Sharma, MD, Tony
Sharma, MD, Tarang
Sheets, MD, Eileen
Shepherd, CNP, Ashley
Sheth, MD, Raj
Shoaps, MD, Ethan
Shoemaker, MD, Abigail
Shu, MD, George
Siesel, PA-C, Aleesha
Simek, MD, Michael
Simon, MD, FAAP, Phillip
Singh, MD, Rao
Skeels, DO, Michael
Skomorowski, MD, Matthew
Slaunwhite, MD, Rebecca
Sleesman, MD, H. Craig
Smith, DO, Andrew
Smith, PA-C, Kim
Sorg, MD, Laura
Sparling, DO, Wendy
Spiess, MD, Catherine
Srivastava, MD, Tanya
Stamps, DO, Jamie
Stathulis, MD, Evan
Stefanoski, MD, Stevco
Sterling, MD, FAAP, Donna
Stewart, CNP, Amber
Stewart, MD, Nathaniel
Stiles, MD, Kathleen
Stock, MD, Kimberly
Stolly, CNP, Bailey
Stover, DO, Amanda
Sturgill, DO, Jennifer
Sun, MD, Jennifer
Sun, MD, Kristine
Swick, DO, Devon
Swoope, PA, Efrem
Taddeo, MD, Ronald
Tamburello, MD, Ellen
Tansky, MD, Katrina
Tariq, MD, Fouzia
Taylor, DO, Matthew
Taylor, MD, Mark
Teodorescu, MD, Magdalena
Tewari-Washam, MD, Abha
Thirugnanam, MD, Mohan
Thomas, CNP, Amy
Thompson, DO, Holly
Thompson, MD, Douglas
Thompson, MPAS, PA-C, Claire
Thorne, MD, Jon
Toohey, MD, Patricia
Trgovac, MD, Tracey
Trivedi, MSN, FNP-C, Apexa
Truitt, MSN, APRN-CNP, FNP-C, Alex
Tsai, DO, Alex
Tsai, MD, Kristine
Tsalikova, MD, PhD, Fatima
Tymbel, DO, Pavla
Unk, MD, Elizabeth
Valdman, MD, Boris
Valentine, PA-C, Nikki
Van Steyn, MD, CLC, Nicole
Vargo, DO, Ron
Varma, MD, Nilesh
Varma, MD, Jasmine
Varveris, MD, Maria
Vashi, Sofia
Vellucci, MD, Sean
Vickery, APRN-CNP, Meghan
Vitullo II, MD, DABFM, John
Waldman, CPNP, IBCLC, Angie
Walker, DO, David
Wallace, PA-C , Maura
Ward, CNP, Courtney
Ward, PA-C, Ty
Waterfield, MD, Catherine
Watkins, MD, Nicholas
Watson, CNP, Aja
Weiss, MD, FACP, John
Welsh, MD, Sara
Whelan, DO, Meg
Whetstone, MD, Julie
Whipp, DO, Jennifer
Whitehead, MD, Robert
Williams, DO, Michael
Williams, MD, Jamar
Winkie, MD, Melissa
Winterhalter, MD, Jason
Winterhalter, MD, FAAP, Melissa
Wolf, MD, Robert
Woodlief, MD, Cameron
Wylie, MD, FAAP, Lindsay
Yang, MD, Samuel
Yoder, CNP, Lauren
Yoder, PA, Zachary
Yost, PA-C, Kristen
Young, MD, Christine
Zarraby, MD, Roya
Zhuang, MD, Qianli
Zimmerman, MD, Michelle Rae
Zins, MD, Zachary
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